Monday, July 11, 2011

Kampfgruppe Scherer : The Shield of Cholm from LFT

   LFT has announced that this product is in production, and is available for order from their site here. LFT products are also eventually available from Gamer's Armory and Bounding Fire Productions.

   I've been keeping this under my hat for a few years, as I've been lucky to contribute in some small way to play testing this module. I'm biased, but I think the ASL world will be pretty happy with KGS. Andy and his crew put a lot of work into this. The results are 2 campaign games and 15 scenarios ranging from very large to "tourney sized." All of them are meticulously researched and vigorously play tested.

   The winter campaign and scenarios are compelling. They really have the feel of a German army not only trying to fight off the Russian horde, but also desperately trying to cope with "General Winter." The Extreme Winter / Deep Snow rules don't see a lot of play these days, and they really do  present interesting choices for both attacker and defender, especially over the course of the winter campaign game.

   I hope people will take a look and consider it. It's good stuff.

 ...adding...Chris at Battleschool has posted a more detailed look at the product and the battle of Cholm itself here.

...oh. And also, this:

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